April 13,2020 - April 16,2020

Step #1

Hi to all my "Just 3" students! 

I miss you all of you so much.

Have your parents click the button below to find fun activities you

can do each day.

  I'm calling them Random Acts of Learning.  You can do these activities with your family.  Remember to wash your hands with our song! 


Mrs. B

Step #2

Step #2

March 30,2020 - April 2,2020

Welcome "Just 3's".....

Step #4....

Step #1....

April 27,2020 - April 30,2020

Follow Mrs. Ketelaar

to find signs of spring!


We Miss you "Just 3's"!

​Have a Great Summer!

Click Here

Step #1

Step #2

"Just 3"

Random Acts of Learning

(Blue Button above)

Step #2

Step #3

April 20,2020 - April 23,2020

Step #3

April 6,2020 - April 9,2020

Previous Weeks

Sing Along with Mrs. B

Play the Message

from Mrs. B

(Purple Button above my photo)

Step #4

Step #3

Step #2....

Step #1

​ ​C.L.E.W.S.


Step #3....

Step #1

Step #3

​​​Christ Lutheran Early Weekday School

14700 S. 94th  Avenue  Orland Park,  IL  60462

FYI...A message from Mrs. B including supplies and information for the next 4 weeks.