​ ​C.L.E.W.S.


​​​Christ Lutheran Early Weekday School

14700 S. 94th  Avenue  Orland Park,  IL  60462

Thank you for taking the time to contact us.  We will  be contacting you shortly.

ChristLutheran EarlyWeekdaySchool (CLEWS)

recognizes that children need to grow wholly:

spiritually, emotionally, socially, as well as cognitively and physically.  We combine play and learning with activities that are age-appropriate, experimental, sensory and

manipulative. We offer a small group setting which

enables children to interact with peers and

adults helping to develop social skills

CLEWS parents are attracted to the program because it affords daily opportunities to share in many special moments and experiences with their child as well as the on-going communication with the teaching staff.  

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Map & Info

Christ Lutheran Early Weekday School

14700 S. 94th Ave

Orland Park IL 60462 US

